SWAM performative Intervention 59min 2021 Sewan lake, Armenia 40.56788 / 45.15142
"SAFARI 2.0" final presentation of the performative research "Der Schmuckeremit im Edelsteingarten" with Ramon Graefenstein & Tanja Kodlin invited by Oliver Gather and Stadtbild Interventionen Köln Pulheim 2024
"REVOLVERE" plywood, robe, steel, carbonized water, labeled glas bottle, performative interaction- Club Eigelstein 78 - Kerze aus - Köln 2023
"Narziss" aluminium, LEDs, autonomous photovoltaiksystem, lux sensor - Düsseldorf Malkasten Park - FireFlies 2023
"SetUpSet" - Performance 16 hours, on 2 days , 3 tons of coal briquettes - Wiener Platz - Köln 2023 - Performers: Kodlin, Zky, Graefenstein, Foto: L. Obermaier
"Split-Screen" Graefenstein / Kodlin - Performance 60 min - Düsseldorf 2022 - Water, Visitors, Pump, aramit-clothing, sound
"Safari" Graefenstein- Kodlin - Performance 15 min - truck, hammock, mobile treadmill, powerbank, sound - Eiladung der Stadtbild.Intervention Köln Pulheim "Der Schmuckeremit im Edelsteingarten" von Oliver Gather
"Narziss" aluminium, LEDs, autonomous photovoltaiksystem, lux sensor - Müllheim BW - Bammerthüsli Kunst Projekte 2022
"Babylon als Ebene" recycled polyester curtains, lead, paint - Müllheim BW - Bammerthüsli Kunst Prj. 2022
"What Buildings Dream Of" performance with Tanja Kodlin Hay-Art Center Yerevan Armenia 2021
"GODOG" mit Tanja Kodlin CCA TIBLISI GE 2021
"Nothings Gonna Change My World" mit Tanja Kodlin Vitrine Kunstverein Malkasten Düsseldorf
nature is funny - technique is cRool / 2018 / Pfirsich / Köln
"Shishmaref" Ice, Inkjet Prints 2018
"Am Rande" - plywood, varnish, trailer - Künstlerdorf Schöppingen - 2018
Denkmal Vorschlag für den Golzheimer Friedhof 2017
"säen" (or the hope for cultural diversity) - 100.000 wheat seeds & steps - realized in walachia RO 2017
"Kultiviert" - wood structure, drawing on fabric, neon tubes, Die Grosse Kunstpalast Düsseldorf 2017
"FckSimilie" (the floating column) - oil painting on sandbag - Residents & Associates, Greylight projects Bruxelles 2017
"Schizophrenia" (the naked chair) - bended steeltubes, laserprinted leather, 2016
"Paravant" - semitransparent polysterol tiles, 3D printed connecting elements, NFS DuH Düsseldorf 2015
"players of the universe" - book dummies, models, wood structure, neon tubes - avant la devangarde - Düsseldorf 2014 with R. Pufleb
"good morning 2.0" - rendered Inkjet Print, glas vitrine, door handle, neon tubes - SPAM contemporary Düsseldorf 2013
"Ich Bin Der Welt Abhanden Gekommen" - Bronze casts, hexagon bolts - Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 2013
"Grüsse aus Antlantropa" - Inflatable Sculpture , flightcase - 450x250x11000 cm - Stuttgart 2013
"A Choreography For Two Doors And The Bouncers" duration 90 min - NRW Bank - 2013
"an open platform" - plywood - 660x660x80cm - Museum Insel Hombroich / Abraham Pavillon - 2012
"heavy beauty" lead cast - 250x33x15 cm- Kunst im Tunnel - Düsseldorf - 2011
"I Dont Want To Forget How It Feels To" - aluminium , charcoal - Düsseldorf 2011